Procrastination is a sneaky pursuer that stalks you, seeks you, and lays siege to the very core motivation resting within you. You know it is there, lurking in the shadows and imposing its will on every decision, dream, and determined goal placed in your mind. But just because you know it is wreaking havoc on moving you to accomplish significant things, it doesn’t mean that you will do anything about it.
I get it, that last line wasn’t very warm and fuzzy. But in the core of you, you know it is true. At least, I know it is true for me.
There is something critical about day one. It is that day when you decide enough is enough. You commit and determine to finally overcome, achieve, or move to a new reality. Day one is the day where your path shifts and the future you emerges. The most famous of all day ones is New Years Day. It is also the most effective days ever to deceive you into believing that you will do something different and live out the goals, dreams, and changes that have been haunting you for years.
That is why today, must be your day one. Today is so much better than any other day that just crept into your mind. You have to decide that you aren’t going to wait until the 1st of the month, or your upcoming birthday or even until the end of this year. Today is the perfect day for you decide that you must lock in on that . . .
And once you decide that today is that day, you must take one step.
The first step is critical. It breaks procrastination’s controlling grasp and moves you forward. So today, take one step forward. If that is a project that seems too difficult, take one step. Maybe it is a dream that has been swirling in your mind for years. But fear has bested you, and the possibility of failure has stopped you. Today, take one step towards that dream. Is it a health, fitness, or weight-loss goal? Today, take one step to experiencing the new you.
Whatever you do, stay focused on today’s step – the one step that you can accomplish today. The one step that moves you from where you are towards where you want to go. The one step that catapults you from what has you stuck.
And whatever you do, don’t think about day 98 and step 98. That decision will destroy your forward movement, and procrastination will suck you right back in. So once you accomplish Day One – Step One, then move to the invigorating Day Two – Step Two. And before you realize it, you will be at Day 98 – Step 98, and you will be amazed at how far you have traveled.
So now –> Day One Step.